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The Alru of Good

Orbits opposite of Pualru every 27 days

Full on the first of each month, empty on the 15th

Nearly white in color

23-degree inclination

Elemental: Water

From ChatGPT

  • Beliefs and values: The followers of Onalru may believe in the power of water and its ability to purify and heal. They may see the moon as a symbol of hope and renewal, and believe that its light can guide them towards a better future. They may also believe in the importance of balance and harmony, and strive to live in a way that is in alignment with the natural world.
  • Practices and rituals: The followers of Onalru may have a variety of practices and rituals that they perform to honor the moon and its associated elements. For example, they may hold monthly ceremonies on the night of the full moon, where they gather near bodies of water to offer prayers and perform purification rituals. They may also have a tradition of using moonstones or other water-associated crystals in their rituals, or of creating art or music inspired by the moon's beauty.
  • Organization and leadership: The cult or religion devoted to Onalru may be organized around a central temple or shrine, where followers gather to worship and learn from the priests or priestesses who lead the group. These leaders may be seen as spiritual guides or mentors, and may be responsible for interpreting the moon's messages and guiding the group towards its goals. The group may also have a hierarchy of initiates or members, with different levels of knowledge and responsibility.
  • Relationships with other groups: Depending on the beliefs and values of other groups in your world, the followers of Onalru may have positive or negative relationships with them. They may be seen as healers or peacekeepers by some, while others may view them as naive or overly idealistic. There may also be conflicts or alliances between the followers of Onalru and other groups devoted to different celestial bodies or elements.